The current lectionary that the UMC follows has been focusing on the book of Genesis. Genesis is an interesting book of stories of how the people of God came to be. One can take all of the stories very literally or we can see what the meaning behind each of them says about family, God and the strength of people.
When God made the first covenant with Abraham he was asked to go away from his home, to a land that would be his. That God would protect his family and fulfill all of God's promises as long as Abraham was a faithful follower. The lineage continues for many generations and God's promises continue all the way though.
The interesting part to me is the brokenness of the God's "family". How incredibly torn apart they are just trying to make their way in a world that seemed to be against them. They failed a lot. Did things they weren't sure they should do but did it all to fulfill the promises made to God. God also threw in this whole freewill thing which got the best of some of them yet somehow most of them turned back to God in time of need and pain. God promised to never abandon them and fulfilled that promise.
When I think about the "original" family, I can't help but compare them to my own. My mom has a sign that hangs in her house that says "remember we are a nice, normal family"
The truth is my family is just that. Nice and normal. We never really fell off the path of normalcy. We had our ups and downs and struggles but overall we were a strong family unit. I credit a lot of that to my parents and the way that they raised us. We were raised in the church and given the foundation of faith. I obviously continue to follow that foundation and am grateful that my parents gave me the understanding of what a loving God can do for you in times of struggle.
We recently added a new member to the family, Carly. Carly is absolutely perfect for my brother and I can't imagine him with anyone else. I had the honor of assisting with their wedding last month and tears filled my eyes as I watched my brothers' bride walk toward him. Evan has been through it. He is likely the one you would compare to in the "original" family that strayed away from the family for awhile yet came back and is better than he has ever been. As I stood and watched the smile on his face my heart filled with such joy. For a young man that has endured so much pain and struggle in his life, I know that God brought Carly to him. Carly and Evan may look at differently- perhaps the universe or the divine or coincidence brought them together but to me that is God.
God made promises to each of us and those promises were to never leave us. Even when we stray away, even when we don't believe in God, even when we are angry at God, even when we just want to run the other direction. Just like the original family of the Bible each member of my own family has struggled with our relationships with God. But they are still there. Death, addiction, financial issues have caused us all heartache. God never promised anyone it would be easy but did promise to never leave us.
My new fascination with the original family is very much tied to love I have with my own family. I think they are a great example of what it means to be a family. The struggled, they strayed away from God and they didn't think they could handle the tasks at hand but somehow they did. They were faithful people that led their people to a land that God promised to them. They were faithful people that when told to do something by God did it even if it would cause division and pain among their own. They didn't give up on each other and they never gave up on God.
Family is hard but family is love. When you have a strong foundation like my family does, nothing can tear you apart. Nothing will separate us b/c in the end we know that we are all we really have. That each of us brings something different to the family and each of us is following our own paths and dreams. Yet, I believe that at the center of it is God. A God that won't abandon us, that will walk with us on whatever journeys we make in this life and a God that loves us beyond what we could ever imagine.
Family is my heart and strength and the Bible can really teach us about that. Now, don't get me wrong there are some pretty crazy things in there the families do to each other, I am not saying we should attempt to sacrifice each other, steal each others birthrights, marry our wives sister or anything like that. I am simply saying that this original family can teach us all that family is family and when you have a connection to your family that is based in God nothing can tear you apart.
Welcome to the family, Carly. We love you and hope you know that you are officially a part of the Loud Family.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
My Squash Plant Died
For those that know me they know that I love to garden. I am sure I have written about it on here before but gardening is my soul. It is where I feel the most connected to God and where I find solitude and peace after a long day or in the midst of struggle.
My squash plant died.
I mean it is just dead.
I don't know if something ate it or maybe it just didn't get the right care but it is dead.
No hope for it.
However my tomatoes, brussel sprouts and beans are flourishing. It really is too bad that it is the squash that died and not the tomatoes, I kind of hate tomatoes...I pause there b/c I have been told that I may be struck down for saying that but it seems that I am OK.
On Sunday, our Pastor Nanette, preached on Rebekah in the book of Genesis. She spoke of Rebekah's struggle during her pregnancy and as a mother. She related this struggle to the parable of the sower, one of my favorite and likely one of the most well know parables in the New Testament. Nanette spoke to me on Sunday. In the midst of my own person struggle she was preaching just to me, I know she was. Nanette said "the struggling is happening it is real. so where is the word of God in that struggle?.... through faith and courage we can find the word of God just like the plant that fell in the good soil and grew 100 fold"
For those that don't know the parable of the Sower here it is
"A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”
I went home that day and reflected on this sermon for most of the afternoon. God. God is in the midst of all our struggles. God is there in the thorns, God is there on the path, God is there in the rocks and God is in the good soil.
When we are able to open our hearts and souls to the word of God we are able to get through our struggles because we are deeply rooted in our faith and we have the courage to get through whatever is happening.
This too is how we as Christians are able to help those that are stuck in the thorns, are on the path or eaten up by the birds. Many people feel as though they are planted in faith but fall away from it when hard times hit. As someone rooted deeply in my faith, that is when I can simply step in, offer love, offer grace and offer mercy to those people.
Faith is something that can't be pushed onto other people. Faith is between you and God. It is something you have to experience to know that it is real.
Just like my garden (well most of it), I am thriving in my faith. I believe in a God that is faithful, I believe in a God that supports me even when I mess up and I believe in a God that offers me grace and mercy on a daily basis.
My squash could have used a little more TLC from me, that is probably true. Or perhaps a little fence around it to keep out whatever may have eaten it. But maybe this is just a reminder for me that unless well nurtured and loved things will not grow and be sustained, much like my relationship with God.
I apologized to my squash plant earlier, promised to try harder next year and rolled my eyes at the tomatoes that no matter what I do always seem to do well. Who knows, maybe they are the root of it all b/c some people say eating a fresh tomato is like heaven on earth. Guess we will see what happens next year. But for now I will enjoy watering and nurturing what is left of the garden in hopes that it will continue to flourish and bloom.

I mean it is just dead.
I don't know if something ate it or maybe it just didn't get the right care but it is dead.
No hope for it.
However my tomatoes, brussel sprouts and beans are flourishing. It really is too bad that it is the squash that died and not the tomatoes, I kind of hate tomatoes...I pause there b/c I have been told that I may be struck down for saying that but it seems that I am OK.
On Sunday, our Pastor Nanette, preached on Rebekah in the book of Genesis. She spoke of Rebekah's struggle during her pregnancy and as a mother. She related this struggle to the parable of the sower, one of my favorite and likely one of the most well know parables in the New Testament. Nanette spoke to me on Sunday. In the midst of my own person struggle she was preaching just to me, I know she was. Nanette said "the struggling is happening it is real. so where is the word of God in that struggle?.... through faith and courage we can find the word of God just like the plant that fell in the good soil and grew 100 fold"
For those that don't know the parable of the Sower here it is
"A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”
I went home that day and reflected on this sermon for most of the afternoon. God. God is in the midst of all our struggles. God is there in the thorns, God is there on the path, God is there in the rocks and God is in the good soil.
When we are able to open our hearts and souls to the word of God we are able to get through our struggles because we are deeply rooted in our faith and we have the courage to get through whatever is happening.
This too is how we as Christians are able to help those that are stuck in the thorns, are on the path or eaten up by the birds. Many people feel as though they are planted in faith but fall away from it when hard times hit. As someone rooted deeply in my faith, that is when I can simply step in, offer love, offer grace and offer mercy to those people.
Faith is something that can't be pushed onto other people. Faith is between you and God. It is something you have to experience to know that it is real.
Just like my garden (well most of it), I am thriving in my faith. I believe in a God that is faithful, I believe in a God that supports me even when I mess up and I believe in a God that offers me grace and mercy on a daily basis.
My squash could have used a little more TLC from me, that is probably true. Or perhaps a little fence around it to keep out whatever may have eaten it. But maybe this is just a reminder for me that unless well nurtured and loved things will not grow and be sustained, much like my relationship with God.
I apologized to my squash plant earlier, promised to try harder next year and rolled my eyes at the tomatoes that no matter what I do always seem to do well. Who knows, maybe they are the root of it all b/c some people say eating a fresh tomato is like heaven on earth. Guess we will see what happens next year. But for now I will enjoy watering and nurturing what is left of the garden in hopes that it will continue to flourish and bloom.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Life is filled with choices. Some good some bad. Some that benefit you, some that hurt you. Some that still leave a lot of questions unanswered and some that answer every question you never knew you had.
I have been reflecting on choices a lot this week. I am preaching for the first time on Sunday at a retirement village here in Olathe. I am excited to share the word of God with this group of people and even more excited to actually preach. Shhhh, don't tell them they are my first!
The scripture for this week is from Genesis. It is the story of Rebekah and Isaac's two sons, Jacob and Esau. My sermon focus on the conflict that they were born into and why God chose certain people throughout the Old Testament to be leaders of great nations.
Throughout the sermon prep and time I have had this week reflecting I have really thought a lot about choices.
God gave us the ability of free will for a reason. God didn't want us to all be puppets and God be the Master. That isn't how it works. God's people continued to disappoint God throughout the Bible b/c of freewill b/c of their ability to make choices in their lives. Some of these choices led to war, some of these choices led to adultery, some of these choices led to death. Yet some of these choices led to freedom, grace, mercy, love and a resurrected Christ.
My thoughts this week have led me to the choices we all make in our lives. The choices on who we marry, the choices on what kind of jobs we choose to have and the choices we make on how to live our lives. Do we choose all these things while keeping in mind that God wants us to live life abundantly and live it fully? Do we all keep God in the front of our decision making?
My guess is no for most of us but it is a place I am really striving to be in. I want to live the life that God has given me with abundance. I want to live the life God has given me with my heart wide open and able to offer grace, love and mercy to all those in my life that I will meet through ministry and personally.
I wish we could all choose things that make us the happiest. That we could all work our dream jobs or not work at all, that we could ensure that our children grow up healthy and with everything they need to be successful. I wish that we could never worry about cancer, disease and violence. I wish that we could all choose the life we want and not have to worry about money. I wish so many things but these things are not realistic.
So how in a world where we have to choose to do things we don't want to do in order to survive financially and to put a roof over our heads do we wake up every morning and live the life of abundance God wants for us?
This is a choice as well. We can choose to be negative, we can choose to be critical of others, we can choose to be lonely, we can choose to "settle" OR we can choose to find the positives even in the negatives, we can choose to look at each person and say 'they really are doing the best they can', we can choose to be in healthy relationships with people that are make our lives full and we can choose to not settle for anything less than all of that.
God created the ability for each of us to make choices in our lives. God could have decided to not give us freewill but life would be all the same and not interesting in that scenario.
Choose to be happy. Choose to find hope in the darkness. Choose to live a life that you LOVE, that others look at and say "I want to be like HER". Choose to be that person that inspires other people. That is the choice I am making today. I am choosing abundance because that is what God wants for me and I refuse to settle for ANYTHING less.
I have been reflecting on choices a lot this week. I am preaching for the first time on Sunday at a retirement village here in Olathe. I am excited to share the word of God with this group of people and even more excited to actually preach. Shhhh, don't tell them they are my first!
The scripture for this week is from Genesis. It is the story of Rebekah and Isaac's two sons, Jacob and Esau. My sermon focus on the conflict that they were born into and why God chose certain people throughout the Old Testament to be leaders of great nations.
Throughout the sermon prep and time I have had this week reflecting I have really thought a lot about choices.
God gave us the ability of free will for a reason. God didn't want us to all be puppets and God be the Master. That isn't how it works. God's people continued to disappoint God throughout the Bible b/c of freewill b/c of their ability to make choices in their lives. Some of these choices led to war, some of these choices led to adultery, some of these choices led to death. Yet some of these choices led to freedom, grace, mercy, love and a resurrected Christ.
My thoughts this week have led me to the choices we all make in our lives. The choices on who we marry, the choices on what kind of jobs we choose to have and the choices we make on how to live our lives. Do we choose all these things while keeping in mind that God wants us to live life abundantly and live it fully? Do we all keep God in the front of our decision making?
My guess is no for most of us but it is a place I am really striving to be in. I want to live the life that God has given me with abundance. I want to live the life God has given me with my heart wide open and able to offer grace, love and mercy to all those in my life that I will meet through ministry and personally.
I wish we could all choose things that make us the happiest. That we could all work our dream jobs or not work at all, that we could ensure that our children grow up healthy and with everything they need to be successful. I wish that we could never worry about cancer, disease and violence. I wish that we could all choose the life we want and not have to worry about money. I wish so many things but these things are not realistic.
So how in a world where we have to choose to do things we don't want to do in order to survive financially and to put a roof over our heads do we wake up every morning and live the life of abundance God wants for us?
This is a choice as well. We can choose to be negative, we can choose to be critical of others, we can choose to be lonely, we can choose to "settle" OR we can choose to find the positives even in the negatives, we can choose to look at each person and say 'they really are doing the best they can', we can choose to be in healthy relationships with people that are make our lives full and we can choose to not settle for anything less than all of that.
God created the ability for each of us to make choices in our lives. God could have decided to not give us freewill but life would be all the same and not interesting in that scenario.
Choose to be happy. Choose to find hope in the darkness. Choose to live a life that you LOVE, that others look at and say "I want to be like HER". Choose to be that person that inspires other people. That is the choice I am making today. I am choosing abundance because that is what God wants for me and I refuse to settle for ANYTHING less.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
My baby is 1
It happened. My baby turned 1. My sweet Tannie Victoria is officially one year old.
I sit here writing this aware of how lucky I am. I am lucky to have two healthy children. I am beyond lucky that I didn't have trouble conceiving, that I had easy pregnancies and birth stories. My life is full because of my babies and has truly opened my eyes to what true love is. I honestly feel that this is the closest I will ever understand how God loves me. God formed us in God's image as God's children, much like a parent, and that realization after becoming a parent changed me for the better.
Tannie came into the world early. She was born at 37.5 weeks and has been the light of our family ever since.
I can remember being terrified to bring her home. How would Henry respond? How would the dogs respond? And how would I, someone that had been struggling the last few years since the death of my father, respond to having not one but two children.
It is amazing how the grace of God works. God heard me. God heard me crying in the night when I wasn't sure how to console a baby, crying when I wasn't sure how to make Henry know I loved him equally and when I felt inadequate as a mom.
We made it one year. We made it!
When my nephew, Ben, was born our family was hurting. It was 4 months after the loss of my dad and Ben brought so much light and hope to our family. I call him my "hope" baby. He brought us all out of dark and Tannie did that for me in a way I didn't know I needed.
When I got pregnant with her I didn't realize how much I was hurting. I was in a job that was overwhelming, I was still learning how to deal with my grief and I was also working at the church. At that time the church was the only place that brought me peace. I never thought I would be able to give my whole self to that job but that is a completely different blog post.
Shortly after Tannie was born and I had left my position at Rose Brooks, Paul looked at me and said "I think you are healed. Not in the sense that you are over your grief but something about you is different. You seem lighter, you seem happier, you are Ali again".
I will never forget that. My baby girl allowed me to realize what is important in life, to realize that I needed to take a step back and focus on my family and God.
I can never thank her enough for this. She may never know what she did for me but I will always be grateful for her.
God bless that beautiful baby and that joy that babies bring to so many lives everyday.
I sit here writing this aware of how lucky I am. I am lucky to have two healthy children. I am beyond lucky that I didn't have trouble conceiving, that I had easy pregnancies and birth stories. My life is full because of my babies and has truly opened my eyes to what true love is. I honestly feel that this is the closest I will ever understand how God loves me. God formed us in God's image as God's children, much like a parent, and that realization after becoming a parent changed me for the better.
Tannie came into the world early. She was born at 37.5 weeks and has been the light of our family ever since.
I can remember being terrified to bring her home. How would Henry respond? How would the dogs respond? And how would I, someone that had been struggling the last few years since the death of my father, respond to having not one but two children.
It is amazing how the grace of God works. God heard me. God heard me crying in the night when I wasn't sure how to console a baby, crying when I wasn't sure how to make Henry know I loved him equally and when I felt inadequate as a mom.

When my nephew, Ben, was born our family was hurting. It was 4 months after the loss of my dad and Ben brought so much light and hope to our family. I call him my "hope" baby. He brought us all out of dark and Tannie did that for me in a way I didn't know I needed.
When I got pregnant with her I didn't realize how much I was hurting. I was in a job that was overwhelming, I was still learning how to deal with my grief and I was also working at the church. At that time the church was the only place that brought me peace. I never thought I would be able to give my whole self to that job but that is a completely different blog post.
Shortly after Tannie was born and I had left my position at Rose Brooks, Paul looked at me and said "I think you are healed. Not in the sense that you are over your grief but something about you is different. You seem lighter, you seem happier, you are Ali again".
I will never forget that. My baby girl allowed me to realize what is important in life, to realize that I needed to take a step back and focus on my family and God.
I can never thank her enough for this. She may never know what she did for me but I will always be grateful for her.
God bless that beautiful baby and that joy that babies bring to so many lives everyday.
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