This morning started out like any other morning. Nothing really special. Paul was getting ready for work, I was chasing our daughter around trying to get her to not eat soap that her dad decided to not put away, turning on cartoons for our son all while trying to get us out the door in time for preschool and work. It was a normal morning.
In the car it dawned on me that today is our 8th wedding anniversary. I called Paul, no answer. Tried to call again awhile later, he answered. We said a quick Happy Anniversary and hung up.
Two hours later he picked me up for our lovely date to visit our new tax man and now hours later I am sitting in the ER with my Grandfather while he gets his pacemaker checked.
This is life. Our messy crazy beautiful life.
8 years ago we made promises to each other. We promised to love each other, to honor each other and to be there together through the best and worst times of life.
8 years later that is what we have done. We have two beautiful children and have been through so much together. The death of my cousin, the death of my father, the marriages of our siblings, the births of our babies and the births of our nieces and nephews.
Our life is been pretty normal, pretty typical and pretty great.
I think the beauty I find in today is that we don't have to have a special day once a year to know that we love each other. We don't have to put a lot of pressure on this one day. Because we celebrate each other every day that we choose to be married to each other.
Marriage is hard. It takes work, it takes patience and it takes a love that will last even through death, even through babies and through a day that doesn't seem like the most romantic way to spend your anniversary but it is a day where you can remember what that love really means.
I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Paul Haynes. Happy Anniversary