I am an Aunt again! Wyatt Joseph Haynes was born on September 29th to the proud parents of Joe and Kristin and brother Will! He is absolutely beautiful and an incredible reminder that life does go on, that good things happen and out of pain and grief comes light and life.
Isn't he precious!
Kristin ended up being induced so we knew when Wyatt's birthday would be. I asked Henry if he ever wanted a brother and sister and he very adamantly stated "No! There is only one Henry Paul Haynes". And yes indeed there is only one Henry.
Children bring hope into our lives. They are precious, innocent and blind to the pain and hardships of the world. As adults, we unfortunately expose them to these things. Whether we mean to or not. We can try and protect our children as much as we can but it is inevitable that someday they too will feel the pain of this world. Our job is to give them the tools and strength to get through it and to teach their children that there is hope, light and love in this chaotic world.

And when I die and when I am dead, dead and gone
There'll be one child born in this world
To carry on, to carry on
Ben was that baby. Ben brought joy and life to our family that we so desperately needed. He is the constant reminder that even when things really suck and are hard, new life comes into this world to remind us that life is beautiful and people are born to carry on the legacy of the ones that go before us.

I am rambling a bit but there is a point to all that I am saying. The birth of my new nephew helps to remind me that in a world with so much pain, anger, violence and sadness there is hope. A new life reminds us that we have the opportunity to make a difference in the world. To raise children to become people of faith; that are kind, generous, loving and offer grace and mercy to others. We have the chance to change the world not only by ourselves but through our children.
And when I die and when I am dead, dead and gone
There'll be one child born in this world
To carry on, to carry on
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