Monday, May 29, 2017

Today I Remember

For the next week I am on vacation with the Haynes family. We are in beautiful Pensacola. The beaches are white, the water is blue and it is simply paradise here.

Today is also Memorial Day. A day to not only remember those that fought for our county but also those that have gone before us. Today I am remembering my daddy, my Grandpa and my Grandma. This morning Yvette and Samira asked if I wanted to ride with them to Starbucks. For some reason or another we started talking about my dad and possibly for the first time I referred to his death as "beautiful".

Beautiful is never a way that I thought I would describe death but really when you are able to see the unintended blessings that come from it, you really can see the beauty in life and death.

The death of my father opened my eyes to what kind of life I want to live. A life of truth, honesty and goodness. A life where I find blessing and beauty even in the midst of grief and darkness. A life where I can enjoy the small moments with my children in the middle of a day filled with tears, whining and struggles. And simply a life where I can live as a disciple of Christ spreading grace, love and mercy to all those that I meet.

The first day we got to the house we are staying at I was flooded with emotion of the last time we were here. It was 5 months after my dad died and I was not in a good place. I was anxious and grieving. I was angry and searching for answers to why but this year is different. As Henry and I walked out on to the pier I stopped him in the middle and told him that I wanted to tell him something. I told him that the last time I was here I was really sad but that this place made me feel better. He asked me why and I told him because God is everywhere here. God is in the water, the waves, the sky, the beaches and the stillness of the mornings. Of course his answer was "Ok mom. When do we go swimming". I laughed and we walked on to the pier.

As I continue to grow and learn I know that God intends for my life to be abundant and filled with blessing, grace, mercy and love.  I know that God will work through me to care for others and to care for myself. I also know that God will continue to show me that even in the midst of pain, darkness and struggle there is beauty and hope. When we are able and willing to listen to the voice inside of us, perhaps that of God, it is amazing what can come of it.

Beauty is all around us. Even in death. The day my dad died wasn't beautiful. It was snowing and cold and we were all in shock that it was happening. But there was beauty in the hospice workers that swooped in like angels, in the friends that came over and said goodbye, in the family that filled the rooms, in the food that started being delivered and in the final breath my dad took as we all stood around him, held hands and said the Lord's Prayer. I can find that beauty now. I can look back and see where the blessings were. I know that all people aren't able to do this. It takes time, reflection and awareness of what life and death truly mean. Of what an eternity may actually look like for each of us and what our life is meant to be. But I do believe it is possible. No matter the situation or circumstance, no matter the struggle or darkness. I believe that in the midst of it all God is always present, holding us and offering light and hope.

I hope my children will grow this way. To know God even in their darkest struggles. To know that they can ask God for help. To know grace, mercy and love and to always remember the ones that go before us and the beauty that can come from it.

Perhaps we can all find a bit of paradise today as we remember the ones that have gone before us. I sure know I will.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Grandmother's letter

When my Grandparents died this winter I was blessed by many gifts. I wear my Grandma's wedding band every day. I have a beautiful necklace that was hers and possibly went back further than her. I have pictures and so many memories. The most precious gift I was given was my Grandpa's Bible.

My Grandparents were very active in the North Baptist Church in Ottawa. Ever since I can remember their life was about the church.

As I started looking in the Bible I found a copy of this letter written in my Grandmother's handwriting. I vaguely remember this being read at her funeral but as I sat down to really read the words I wrote I began to realize how completely different our theology is yet very much the same.

My Grandmother believed that in order to get to Heaven you had to be saved by Jesus Christ while still living on this earth. I can remember sitting on her couch as a young girl and she began telling me how worried she was for her friends that lived down the street. They were Jewish and hadn't accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior. She was distraught that they would not spend eternity with her and couldn't figure out how to witness to them in a way that would get them to understand how serious it was. I didn't say much to my Grandma at the time, I was just a kid. But I can remember thinking "they believe in God. They just view God differently than I...maybe that is really all it is"

My theology and what I believe about grace and salvation came naturally to me. From a very young age I believed that we all get a chance to go to Heaven; Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, everyone. I never really understood how a faith that believes in grace and mercy would ever exclude anyone from eternity. As I have gotten older, my understanding of what that theology means has grown. I don't believe in original sin. I don't believe in Hell. I don't believe that just because I worship God through Christianity that there is a heaven for me and not my Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist neighbor.

I believe in salvation. I believe in the power of grace even beyond death. Jesus ministered to not only the "good" followers of God but also the least, the lost and the lonely. Jesus spoke of a way to heaven through him but also through salvation in yourself and in the way that you treat others. He spoke of two rules; to love your God and to love your neighbor as yourself. To love YOUR God. The truth is the majority of us worship one God. At least the history of the world will teach us that. We just choose to view the teaching and the word in a different way.

I was born into a Christian home. Taught by both sets of Grandparents what it means to be a Christian. How to love one another, love myself and love my God. My Grandmother, until the day she died, truly believed that without being saved by Christ in THIS life you would not go to heaven. She ends this letter by saying "We all are sinners and you want to be born again and go to heaven. Thank HIM- find a bunch of christian friends. I will be waiting for you in Heaven"

I am blessed to have different perspectives in my life. I believe my liberal United Methodist Pastor Grandfather and my Jesus saves Grandmother both had a role in my foundation in Christ. Both taught me about love, grace and mercy and both taught me about the power of living as a disciple of Christ.

Despite what we believed, we both really do believe in the same things. We believe in prayer, we believe in love and we believe in God. A higher power that is always present with us and walks with us even through the darkest moments of our lives.

I am grateful to know that as I read this letter and write this post, my Grandma is waiting for me in eternity. She is there with my dad, my grandfather and all those that have gone before me; even her friend from down the street.

God Bless this beautiful life I live and the ability to look beyond what I know and how what others believe can teach me a thing or two.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Happy Birthday Paige!

This morning I woke up and immediately knew what I was going to do. Call my sister. It's the first thing I do every year on May 17th, her birthday. It is the first thing she does every year on my birthday. Henry and I were in my bed and we called her on video phone. She answered and said "Ok, I am ready" So I sang.

"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, misery is in the air. People dying everywhere. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. See a birdie in the sky, dropping doo doo in your eye. Happy Birthday. Happy birthday."

Paige smiled and said "why do we sing that every year with all the horrible things that happen to us?" I laughed and told her "B/C it's what we do".

For anyone reading this that went to Maize Middle School, you all know that song. Our choir teacher sand it to everyone on their birthday. Every year since then, Paige and I have sang that to each other.

Having a sister is like having a built in best friend. Maybe not for all but for me it always has been. Paige and I have had our fair share of fights and some have been pretty epic but for the most part we have always been close.

Growing up I wanted to be just like my sister. She was kind of perfect. Really though, she was. She could sing, act, got good grades and really never got in trouble. I would follow her to her friends' houses and try to do everything she did. I am sure to her I was just an annoying little sister but to me she was my idol. She was who I wanted to be when I grew up.

Paige was in theater and choir, I was in theater and choir. Paige went to K-State. I went to K-State. Paige joined Alpha Chi. I joined Alpha Chi. Paige initially went into the non-profit world. I worked in non-profit. I am sure you get my point.

My sister and I have been through a lot. We have been through death too many times. We have been through heartache and love. We have stood next to each other during our weddings. We were there when each others babies were born and we have endured the loss of our father, together.

The bond she and I have is like none other. She really is my built in best friend. The person I would call in the middle of the night for help. The person that knows me better than anyone else.

I think God puts us on this earth for a purpose. One of my purposes is to be Paige's sister. I know that to be true. To be her rock and she to be mine. I would be lost without her and thank God every day that I have a sister in my life that understands me and loves me unconditionally.

I love you Paige. Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Wherever is your heart I call home"

My family moved to Olathe when I was 14. Just about to start high school. We moved from Wichita, from a school I had gone to through 8th grade, a beloved church and so many friends. I remember the day we moved into our home on Hunter drive. I couldn't believe how big the house was. I kept thinking my dad must have gotten a really good job and we were now rich. To be honest,I learned later that the house was very typical for the area. 4 bedrooms, two story with a finished basement. Nothing spectacular or special but it became our home.

That home is where we all graduated from high school, where we all grew up. Where we all went through the hardest years of our lives. Where my mom used to run through the kitchen and show us all how well she can jump :-) Where my dad would turn on music in the hearth room and sit singing with his eyes closed. And later where my dad passed away.

My mom had to make the impossible decision last year to leave her home. It wasn't possible for her to stay solely on her income. She moved to a lovely house with tons of space but it still doesn't quite feel the same.

I drive my parents house weekly. It is right across the street from the church I work at and every time I pass by I have a different memory that brings a smile across my face. The house was on the market for quite awhile and finally the for sale sign has disappeared. This home is soon to be the home to another family.

As I drove by today, I noticed my mom's roses were blooming. I pulled into the driveway and helped myself to a few of them. I figured if anyone asked me what I was doing I would simply say "My mom planted these, so technically they are mine" Then I would run very quickly to my car and speed away. No one saw me. No one even noticed. I am not sure the house is even occupied right now. But these flowers are sitting in front of me reminding me of my home.

How do you define home? Is it a structure? Is it the people? Is it a feeling you get in a certain place?

The home I am building now with Paul, Henry and Tannie is now what I call home. It is the place where I feel the safest. Where I know I am valued, loved and seen. My home is where I always want to go back to. It is more than the structure. It is the people in it for me.

I find peace in knowing that my home here on this earth is not the only home I will have. I know that God has prepared a place for me as Jesus tells his disciples in John 14:1-4

Home is where you find love. Where you find grace and where you find mercy. I find that with God. I find that with my church family and I have faith that my idea of home will continue beyond this life and into eternity.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."

The home I grew up in was filled with all of those things and the home that I am building for my family is as well.

My mom discovered a song shortly after she made the decision to leave her home. Brandi Carlile sings of home and it not being a structure or a place but wherever your heart is. The words bring me comfort daily and peace knowing that my dad will be with us all again and that home truly is wherever your heart is.

I think it's time we found a way back home
You lose so many things you love as you grow
I missed the days when I was just a kid
My fear became my shadow, I swear it did

Wherever is your heart I call home
Wherever is your heart I call home
Though your feet may take you far from me, I know
Wherever is your heart I call home

You made me feel like I was always falling
Always falling down without a place to land
Somewhere in the distance I heard you calling
Oh it hurts so bad to let go of your hand

Even when you're high, you can get low
Even with your friends you love, you're still alone
We always find the darkest place to go
God forgive our minds, we were born to roam

Oh God forgive my mind, oh God forgive my mind
When I come home, when I come home
Oh God forgive my mind
There's a road that's long and winding, it hollers home
I'm calling home

Wherever is your heart I call home
Wherever is your heart I call home
Though your feet may take you far from me, I know
Wherever is your heart I call home

The home on hunter drive may no longer be ours but it is a part of my heart. It is a part of who I am and will always hold a piece of me in it. While I hold on to the memories of that home, I look forward to the memories that I will make in my own with the ones that I love, in my mom's new house as a family that continues to grow and thrive in the midst of loss and in the one that I will someday enter with my God and my daddy. "Where ever is your heart, I call home"

Flowers are a glimpse into eternity for me. I found it symbolic to take them as a way to remember that home is where I am and where I will be going. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bella Lu Bella Lu Bella Lu Bellalujah...Bella the dog

Bella Lu, my parents dog, passed away this morning. My mom called yesterday morning and said that Bella had been up all night vomiting and she was taking her to the vet. She got the meds necessary for the time being but Bella just kept getting worse. By 530pm, my mom called and said that she needed to take Bella to an emergency vet. She was on the deck and wouldn't get up.

My mom and I took her there unsure as to what was going to happen. She ended being hospitalized and around 530am my mom got a call that sweet Bella was in kidney failure and they needed to know what to do. I picked up my mom and we went and said goodbye. My mom and I were able to hold her during and it was quite beautiful. The older I get and the more experienced I become with death, the more I realize that it isn't the worst thing in the world, in fact it can be quite beautiful when the time is right and love is surrounding the one passing. As she took what was probably her last breath I told her to go find her daddy and forever run at the dog park.

My parents got Bella right before I came home from the summer between my junior and senior year of college. I kind of hated the dog at first. She barked a lot, got a lot of attention from my parents and was just kind of needy. As the summer went on, my love for her grew. I had a hard summer. Many friendships I thought were strong began to fall apart, I was betrayed and stabbed in the back by one of my closest friends and I experienced something really painful while visiting friends back in Manhattan. Bella became a support to me. She would cuddle with me on the couch, sleep on my bed with me and let me talk to her about how hurt I was, how I didn't know if I wanted to go back to school and how I just wanted to find my place in the world. I really grew to become attached to that dog.

Bella has been in our family for the past 11 years. She was with my parents through rough patches with my brother. She was with my dad when he got laid off from his job and kept him company at the dog park many a nights. They became quite the dog park people, my dad knew everyone by name and really formed relationships with them. Bella was there when my dad got diagnosed with cancer. The night my dad died, my mom sent Bella back home with her parents. Later, when we talked about the exact timing of my dad's death we learned that Bella began howling at the window at that exact time. It was as though my dad's spirit passed by her telling her he would see her again.

It is interesting to me how much an animal becomes a part of your family. I have my own two dogs, Charlie and McGhee. And while most days they drive me absolutely crazy, I can't imagine my life without them. Henry calls them his best friends. Tannie and McGehee stare at each other- nose to nose and they both cuddle with us while we sleep. They are our family and a part of who we are.

Life will certainly be different without Bella Lu but I know with every ounce of my heart she is running through the dog park with my dad, rolling in the grass and eating as many treats as possible.

Until we meet again sweet girl.