This morning I woke up and immediately knew what I was going to do. Call my sister. It's the first thing I do every year on May 17th, her birthday. It is the first thing she does every year on my birthday. Henry and I were in my bed and we called her on video phone. She answered and said "Ok, I am ready" So I sang.
"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, misery is in the air. People dying everywhere. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. See a birdie in the sky, dropping doo doo in your eye. Happy Birthday. Happy birthday."
Paige smiled and said "why do we sing that every year with all the horrible things that happen to us?" I laughed and told her "B/C it's what we do".
For anyone reading this that went to Maize Middle School, you all know that song. Our choir teacher sand it to everyone on their birthday. Every year since then, Paige and I have sang that to each other.
Having a sister is like having a built in best friend. Maybe not for all but for me it always has been. Paige and I have had our fair share of fights and some have been pretty epic but for the most part we have always been close.
Growing up I wanted to be just like my sister. She was kind of perfect. Really though, she was. She could sing, act, got good grades and really never got in trouble. I would follow her to her friends' houses and try to do everything she did. I am sure to her I was just an annoying little sister but to me she was my idol. She was who I wanted to be when I grew up.
Paige was in theater and choir, I was in theater and choir. Paige went to K-State. I went to K-State. Paige joined Alpha Chi. I joined Alpha Chi. Paige initially went into the non-profit world. I worked in non-profit. I am sure you get my point.
My sister and I have been through a lot. We have been through death too many times. We have been through heartache and love. We have stood next to each other during our weddings. We were there when each others babies were born and we have endured the loss of our father, together.
The bond she and I have is like none other. She really is my built in best friend. The person I would call in the middle of the night for help. The person that knows me better than anyone else.
I think God puts us on this earth for a purpose. One of my purposes is to be Paige's sister. I know that to be true. To be her rock and she to be mine. I would be lost without her and thank God every day that I have a sister in my life that understands me and loves me unconditionally.
I love you Paige. Happy Birthday.
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