Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Mom, let me tell you a secret"

Secret telling is something we have learned about recently in our home. Typical secrets from Henry are "you're a booger" "you're obnoxious" and so on...normally the things I have said to him in the last hour or so. He laughs hysterically every time he tells you a "secret" and I giggle at the sheer innocence of it all.

Today after I picked him up from his first day of school we were walking down the stairs of the church with Tiffany and her daughter and Henry says "Mom let me tell you a secret" I kind of rolled my eyes because he knew what new phrase or thing he was going to say to me. Then he said it. The secret that I am not allowed to tell anyone ever because this is a secret that is so super top secret that if anyone found out it would ruin everything. (I was told that later in the car)

So shhh.... I am going to let you in on a secret that Henry told me today. I am a super hero. It is true. I heard it from my 4 year old today. He has told me this secret a few other times but mostly when he really wants something. But today, today the secret came out of nowhere. Right there in the stairwell "mom, you're my superhero"

As moms we usually think of ourselves as much less than a super hero. We fail constantly. Just yesterday I said it was a beautiful day because I didn't throw my 4 year old in the trash. I consistently forget to bring diapers places, I am learning that I am a bit scattered at times and don't always have drinks and snacks available at any given moment, I don't keep my house really clean, I shower most days, I scream at my kids when I am feeling inadequate. Most days I feel like it is an accomplishment if we actually put on clothes and got out the door.

But today, today my 4 year old let me know that the truth is, I am doing this mom thing okay. There is a video that shows the point of view of the day from the mom and then the child. The mom is frazzled, frustrated and a mess. The kid tells her dad how magical of a day it was. It is amazing what the point of view of a child can do for your soul.

As we got in the car today, Henry reminded me again that I am a super hero. He told me to not tell anyone because super heroes can't tell people who they are. He told me that I am the best super hero mom in the world and then sang me a song. "My mom is a super hero. My mom is a super hero. My mom is a super super hero. Yep, that's my mom"

To all the mamas out there, just remember that when life feels overwhelming and out of control you are likely the highlight and super hero to the little ones that make you feel this way. Slow down a bit. Take time to breathe and remember that you are all super heroes.

Just don't tell Henry I told you :-)


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