I like structure. I like knowing what is coming next.
God however, has a different way of doing things. God tends to come into our lives and change things when we don't think we need a change, when we are content with what is happening in our lives and when we have planned our career around when our children will both be in school full time.
My world is changing a bit...
Mother's Day weekend we were in Andover visiting my in-laws. I had two missed calls over that weekend from a 785 area code and just ignored both. I get a lot of soliciting calls and people saying I won a trip to Florida and a cruise- of course after I pay $1000.
When we got home, I finally listened to the voicemail and it was our district superintindent- my boss in the United Methodist Church.
My first thought was "crap. crap. crap. They only call for one reason this time of year"
You see this is appointment season. I thought I had gotten through it without getting a call because it was late in the season and I wasn't requesting a new appointment nor was Grace asking for me to move.
Yet I knew why he was calling and I was right.
"Hi Ali..."
And that was it. I was offered a full time appointment. My OWN church. ME. Why me?
I have been told multiple times by my dear friend Tiffany that I am enough, that I deserve good things and that I will be a great Pastor. But me?
I haven't been to seminary yet and I am still taking classes. So me?
I said yes within 24 hours, met with the Staff Parish committee later that week and my church home at Grace was told this week.
As of July 1st, I will be the Lead and ONLY Pastor at Indian Heights UMC in Overland Park.
I keep thinking why. I keep wondering what are they thinking and then I go to God.
I trust that God is putting me in the right place. I trust that God knows I can do this and I trust in a God that gives me the strength I need to lead.
It is interesting. I am a good leader. I ran a domestic violence shelter and co-supervised over 30 people. I made policies, changes and did things that were incredibly hard. Of course I can run a church...but every week? As the only Pastor?
It's in my blood. My family is United Methodist through and through. Our family has had Pastors in every generation (except my mom's) dating back to the circuit riders.
This is my calling. This is what I am supposed to do.
The members of this church are lovely. They are kind, generous, welcoming and open- everything I love about the United Methodist Church. I am beyond thrilled to be their new Pastor and I can't wait to see where this next chapter takes me.
I am sad to leave Grace. That church raised me. I have been a member there for 20 years. My dad's funeral was there. Both of my kids were baptized there but at some point everyone has to move on. To spread their wings and fly.
So here we go and I can't wait.
Blessings to you all. Come find me on July 1st and every Sunday after at Indian Heights in OP.
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