Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Why Advent?
Really cold. Scrape the ice off your car cold and do the whole I can see this little tiny slot, cold.
Finally beginning to feel like the Christmas season although I hate this weather. The cold really is not what I would choose but it is the season we are in and it's Advent.
The season of waiting. The season on wonder. The season on hope, peace, joy and love.
As I sit here writing, early this morning, I have to wonder "why"?
Why do we celebrate the coming of Christ? How do we find hope and peace and joy and love in a world that is tearing itself apart? How do we experience the miracle of the tiny babe born by Mary?
I preached on the 2nd week of Advent, peace, this past Sunday looking at all that was happening in the world. We talked about the shootings on naval bases, poverty throughout all of the world, violence that seeps into people's everyday life that some of us are so far removed from we assume it doesn't touch our lives.
Yet does it? Of course it does. Everyone that is suffering, everyone that lives in fear, everyone that is fighting and searching for justice in their life; they are all of our responsibility as the tiny babe will grow into a man and tell us all of this.
And we seem to forget it from time to time or only focus on the realities of the world at certain times of the year when we are truly called to remember the coming Christ, to remember the Resurrected Christ and the Very Spirit of God each and every day in our lives and not just when the season seems appropriate.
Advent is needed and longed for every single day that we wake up with a fresh start a head of us.
Every single time that we meet a person in need.
Every time we are told no b/c of our gender, race, culture, gender identity, socio-economic level
Every time we are made to feel less than any bit of who we are; named and called beloved by God.
Isaiah prophesied that a child will come, a tiny babe, to lead the whole world to this place of peace where even the wolf and the lamb will be in peace together. Where prey will not know predator
Where people will be one and be with God and where the true miracle of the world will happen; the true Advent, the true start of a new beginning that is with God and of God.
We can sit around and wait every single year for Advent to come or we can live out Advent every day.
We can stand up for one another, we can feed each other, we can clothe each other, we can tell each other about the love of God that surrounds us, holds us and names us.
We can be the light of Christ for each other, not just on the longest night of the year but each and every day that we are called to be God's children and called to care for the least of these.
So the answer to my question- why advent?
Advent because advent changes everything. Advent reminds us of what we are longing for in our lives, the peace and tranquility that comes with the birth of Christ
And that even when we are in the midst of deep despair, grief, illness and everything that gets in the way of us seeing God in our lives... Advent reminds us that God is there
That God came in the form of the tiny babe, born to a woman and a man that were incredibly scared of what it meant and how they were going to raise the Christ child.
Lean into the uncertainty just as Mary and Joseph did, into the unknown and find the love of God in your life so you can go out and share it with all.
Lean into Advent today and everyday and as you do remember that you are enough, you are worthy and you are beloved.
-Pastor Ali
Friday, November 8, 2019
- and one more thing. I truly believe in the power of medication and know that for a time in my life it saved me. I hope if you read this and are one medications for anxiety or depression that you know I am not suggesting you get off of those. Absolutely not. They are life saving for many of us and I am grateful that I know they will be there for me if I find myself needing them again.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Resisting in the Wilderness
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Shame Tree
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Life has me...GOING CRAZY!
Now, let's be clear. I know I am a good mom. In fact, I know I am a great mom. My kids are fed, dressed, usually clean and have a loving home. Yet, society puts all this pressure on us to be "perfect" in an imperfect world.
Who has time for the Kansas kindest citian event, the field trip, field day, art show, talent show...the list goes on.
Plenty of places and ways for you to feel like you have failed as a parent.
I recently found out that ordering a yearbook in KINDERGARTEN is a thing. A real thing that most parents do. To be honest, when I saw the order form back in FEBRUARY, I ignored it. What kindergartner needs a yearbook? Then I was told that there is a yearbook signing party... oh crap! My kid will be THAT kid- the one you strive so hard to make sure your kid isn't.
My first thought, I'll just pull him from school that day. He will never know what he missed and I will be the COOL mom for letting him out early. Then I really started to think about it- I don't have time to pull him from school so what am I going to do? Henry's teacher lovingly told me that all kids will have something for kids to sign so my kid will be walking around with the stapled pieces of paper that say "autograph" while others have a book...
Deep breath... It will be okay. Henry will be OK. The kids are OK.
As we start to get ready for summer, deep breaths are going to be essential for all of us parents. The kids will be home, the house will be a mess, the outdoor toys will not be picked up (mine never are) and they may live off of fruit snacks and cheetos all summer but they will be okay. Everything will be okay because our kids know we love them, know we always want the best for them and know that they are loved.
SNL did a great skit on the "perfect" parent. Watch it here and enjoy a good laugh knowing that ALL of us are perfectly imperfect, enough, worthy and beloved.
-Pastor Ali
Thursday, March 28, 2019
No, Not MY Daughter!
When in reality none of us have the perfect children. None of us have it all together and we do all these things for what?
We do them for ourselves because we live in a world where we are terrified of what people think about us, that people will judge us and that we will never be good enough.
Well, as my dear friend Tiffany Baker has often put it, the jig is up and when we all just accept that we are all human and we are all imperfect, the world would become a lot more perfect.
Yet, not everyone has had the luck of being in a mom's group with Tiffany leading that is so incredibly important it allows you to actually let go of these things and just go with the phrase "the kids are alright".
My kids do not have the perfect clothes. Most days, Henry wears pants that have holes in them. I can't keep up with how rough he is on his clothes, so if they rip he wears them. I don't fix them- no one actually has time for that.
Their lunches consist of whatever I can find to throw in their lunch box and when Tannie now has a tantrum in the middle of Target I just stare at her and say things like "wow, who's kid is that?" Or you know, I just give her my phone.
This week, Tannie had two not so awesome reports. Now, let's be honest, she is 2 and in kids day out. Having a bad report in kids day out will not set her up for failure and she will still likely get into a good college but there is still something about the look on the teachers face and the words "Do you have a second?" You suddenly become a little child and feel as though you are in serious trouble. "Sure", I said.
Well, it turns out for the past two days Tannie has hit and pushed her classmates and had to sit out a total of 5 times. My first reaction was honest.. "Oh ok. Well, hmm..." I didn't know what to say. My daughter? That adorable one that is currently screaming me for more peanut butter as I write this hit others? Of course not...
I had been waiting for this statement for the whole school year. Let's be real. Tannie is Tannie. She is smart, she is spunky and she doesn't let anyone stand in her way. Her teacher expressed that it is often when others are in her space or looking at her and she wants to be left alone.
The mama in me gave myself a high five. At 2 years old, my daughter knows her boundaries and how to tell people to leave her alone. But, I guess doing that by hitting that isn't okay in kids day out....
Our kids are not perfect but they are perfectly imperfect and when we let go of the "perfection" we all buy into as parents and just embrace the reality that 2 year olds hit, 6 year olds rip their pants and that life is just messy, we teach our kids a lot more value and worth than we know. We really teach them about being themselves, we teach them that their voice matters and we teach them that material things are not what life is about.
Don't get me wrong. My kids get the phone and there are times they get the "talk" before we go places but as I learn more about being a mom and myself, I am realizing that their imperfections are the perfect things about them.
Always know you are enough, you are worthy and you are beloved.
Pastor Ali
Thursday, March 21, 2019
There is New Life- happy birthday
We all are.
We have all said the wrong thing when to someone we care about when someone dies.
"Oh it's for the best" Really? The best? Death?
"Well, at least they aren't suffering any longer" Umm..excuse me, they actually weren't suffering before
"It was their time" their time for what?
"Oh now they are in a better place"
That last one. That one is the one that used to make me so angry. ME. A PASTOR! After my dad died, I didn't care to hear that he was in a better place.
Absolutely not, because he wasn't supposed to be there yet. He died out of the natural order. Both of his parents were still living. He was only 56.
The list goes on and on. All the reasons that he shouldn't be in that better place.
As time has gone one, 5 years, I still wonder about that statement. Yes, I know he is in a better place but why can't he still be here and then go there in awhile?
I will never know the answer to that question, all I can do is have faith that he is there, that he is loving life and that he is living his new life to it's fullest potential because he is now sitting with God at the long table that Jesus went to prepare for us. The table with his parents, his friends, his family that are all there.
New life, new births, birthdays.
There are signs of new life all around us on a daily basis. For me, it is the green poking it's head through the dirt in my garden. My cousin, Brittany's beautiful baby. My children growing into little people.
They are all signs of hope, hope that there is new life after death, that there is something better out there and that there is something bigger than us all. Without them, without the hope of the "new" we would lose hope in the God that loves us, saves us and reminds us of this new life every single day.
As time goes on, the pain of losing someone starts to soften. It becomes more of who you are and not what you went through.
We all wear our pain and our brokenness in the way that we live our lives and it is what makes us beautiful. It makes us real, it makes us human.
As the season of Lent goes on, we are leaning into what that pain is and how to continue living with it vs living as though it never happened or that it was "the way things were meant to be".
God calls us to live a life of abundance, even through our pain, even through our brokenness and even through the loss of the ones you love the most.
We are invited this Lent to embrace this invitation and surrender to God- surrender it all and envision a life where our pain makes us beautiful and we look at ourselves every single day and know we are enough, we are worthy and we are beloved.
Happy birthday, Dad. I hope it's a great one.
Tell everyone hi- I hope you ARE living your best life in that better place.
-Pastor Ali
Friday, March 15, 2019
My Happy Place
For a whole week we got to be with our cousins, doing whatever we wanted and I would imagine driving our mothers' crazy. As an adult and mother, I think they must have been crazy to be in a house with all the kids for a whole week. But I have come to realize that if you are in your happy place it really doesn't matter. My mom's happy place was with her sister and for us kids it was being with our cousins.
My sister, Paige, always went 20 miles down the road to our Nani and Nana's house. She got to the point where she was too "cool" to hang out with Brittany and I, she probably still is, and would go spend the week with our grandparents. During her time there she and our Nani would go flower shopping and spend hours planting flowers and learning about them. I never had any interest but as an adult something shifted.
Henry is on his fist real spring break. I was determined to make this week great for him, the one I remembered from my childhood. He has had sleepovers, been to his cousins and had a great week so far.
My happy place has changed over the years, no offense Becky and Britt, but I have taken on the love of going to my Nani's house, talking to her on the phone and calling her one of my best friends. Although I got sick this week with an awful cough, we still ventured down to my Nani's and I got to spend time in my happy place, which turns out to be a place of safety and joy for my children as well.
My Nani, being almost 81, goes at the speed of a 30 year old. Really, she has more energy than I do and when you go to Nani's you do not just sit around and do things. Oh no, there is a list of things to do and they will all be accomplished within the time you are there.
We ventured to many places yet the best one and the one that I know my Nani loved the most was getting our pansies. As a child, I never cared about flowers, that was Paige. Paige was the one that shared that love but it has shifted over the years and I am obsessed. My Nani and I began talking in Feb. about when we could go get them and we finally did. And we didn't stop there, we planted pansies, made fairy gardens and just spent time together talking and being present.
My happy place is with my family and when I get a chance to relax, spend time with my family and include gardening, there isn't much (even the tantrums of a 2 year old) that can bring me down. I now understand why my mom and her sister didn't care that us kids were running around like crazy for a whole week, they had each other and they treasured that time together through every meltdown, tantrum and fight us kids had, they were in their happy place.
I hope you all can find your happy place this lent. Find the place that makes you feel the closest to God and spend time there. Because when we do that, we are truly able to lean into our belovedness and live the life of abundance God wants for each of us.
Many blessings to you as spring starts to come- Know you are enough, you are worthy and you are beloved.
-Pastor Ali
Friday, March 8, 2019
Leaving a Legacy
As Jesus is approaching the 40 days before his death, he is ministering to those in his midst, he is showing his true divinity to his disciples and he is preparing to leave a legacy of hope, grace and resurrection for all of God's people.
What is our legacy? What will you leave in this world for your children? Do you think about that often?
Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to put into words how I feel about the decision made at the United Methodist General Conference and what legacy this will leave for our children and future generations.
The church is at a stand still. When I am asked what do we do or what is next, I simply say "I don't know". And that is the truth, I don't know but here is what I do know
The UMC was founded on grace, love, mercy and acceptance of all people. John Wesley fought for the rights of those that didn't have a voice and wanted the church to be a place where all people felt welcomed and a church with open minds, open hearts and open doors.
The clergy are not the only ones tasked with the legacy of the church. All of us, every single member, child and clergy have to work together to be the church that God wants us to be. To leave a legacy for our children that they are proud of and not one of hate, exclusion and punishment.
My children love our church. They feel welcomed there, they are loved there and they run around that place knowing it is theirs and that the people inside of it will help to raise them to be followers of Christ with open hearts, open minds and open doors.
I want that to be the legacy we leave. The legacy of love. Love can be hard when we don't understand the other side. Love can be hard when we have been hurt by the other person but love is possible when we have the love of Christ in our hearts allowing us to see the true humanity in all of God's people.
I choose to leave a legacy of love, inclusion and hope for my kids. My hope and prayer this lenten season is that the church and all people in the church are able to look within themselves, to have true self-reflection and to surrender all their fears to God.
When we give it God, when we allow God to hold us and guide us there really is nothing we can't do and I strongly believe that. Trust that God is a loving God, a God of inclusion and a God of resurrection so that we can go out and be that to the world.
Do all this knowing you are enough, you are worthy and you are beloved.
-Pastor Ali
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
It is All About Balance
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?"
Our family recently started going to the gym. If you know us, you know that this is new and not the "norm" or has ever been the norm. Now, before Paul met me, he did exercise and was really fit from the police academy.. then we got married and we each settled into our new life as a married couple and exercise and keeping ourselves "fit" just didn't fit in there.
Then came these kids of ours. It turns out that a baby really changes your body, oh and turning 30.
In last three years, it has become apparent that if I want to maintain the way I looked when I was younger, I was going to have to do something about it.
Really it just started to make more sense to me as I started to reflect on my own life, my own well being and what kind of example I want to set for my kids. I want them to see me fit, I want them to see exercise as something fun and I want us to be healthy for each other so we can live a long life of abundance as God wants us all too.
We joined the gym in November and honestly haven't missed a work out since then. Once we started, we got hooked. Not only is it a great work out...BUT there is CHILDCARE. Like there is a place where you can drop off your kids and say "have fun" and they love it and they get worn out and you get to be ALONE and exercise. I don't know why this mom secret has been kept from me for so long. Or maybe I was told it but chose not to listen.
I am aware that changing your way of life, leaning into your messiness and brokenness is about balance and a want within yourself. 2 years ago, you couldn't have gotten me into the gym but something inside of me changed. I started to see myself as this temple that God gave me, a body that God gave me to take care of so that I can live my life of abundance and belovedness to the fullest.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Unconditional Love and Change
Over the past few weeks, I have been doing a sermon series on Love. While most likely thought this series was created for Valentine's Day, they are all learning that I had a different idea in mind.
Love. What does love mean to all of us? What does love mean to people that haven't experienced love? Does love look more like violence? Does love scare people? Does love prohibit us from fully experiencing our lives out of fear of what may happen?
The United Methodist Church will face a vote at a special General Conference that starts Feb. 23rd. Bishops, delegates (the people that get to vote), clergy and lay people will gather in St. Louis, MO from all over the world to vote on the issue of human sexuality and the church. This vote has been up for discussion since the 1980's when the world of psychiatric deemed homosexuality was not a mental health disorder. Since then, the church has gone back and forth on the issue. Should they allow gay clergy? Should people of the same-sex get to marry in the church?
I spoke last Sunday on how we become the church in a world that tries to shut the church out. In a world that views the church as negative and in a world that puts people in different boxes based on their race, socio-economic status, gender and who they love.
How do we be the church? The one the first Apostles built? The one that is about change, the love of God and the Good News that Christ brought?
I recently spoke to someone about the one-church plan that is going before the conference. This is the plan that the majority of the Bishops in the church are supporting. It is the plan that allows each local church to decide. It sounds simple enough- you decide what your church is going to do. Yet this plan still brings up questions for a lot of people. How does that work? What church am I suppose to go if I believe ___? Will churches leave? Will people leave our church?
I just keep saying that word over and over again in my head. The church is at a crossroads and what the church does next will define the church for generations to come. Generations that will likely look at us and wonder why this mattered. I look back on giving the women the right to preach and wonder why it took so long- in awe that it took the church over 1950 years to finally make that possible when some of the most powerful people in scripture are...WOMEN! (getting side-tracked...)
So what do we do as a church? How do we keep going?
We love our way through it.
We love God, we love the church, we love our neighbors and we love all of God's people just as God tells us to through God's son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to this world to save us from ourselves, to show us what true love is and how to live that out in our everyday lives.
Jesus suffered and was killed at the hands of his own people yet even knowing this would happen he did the work of God. He healed the leper, he prayed with and taught women, he opposed the doings of the scribes and pharisees, he turned over the tables in the temple.
People fought against everything Jesus did and had to say but he stayed strong and went with one message.
Jesus is the church. Jesus is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND CHANGE. Jesus came to this world to change it so that we may all live a life of abundance and know our identity in God as God's beloved children.
Love. That really is the only way.
We continue to love and the church and all of us will get through this, all while knowing we are enough, we are worthy and we are beloved.
-Pastor Ali
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Where Does the time Go?
Dad and baby Henry