this week. This week I am stuck.
I am
stuck on what to preach about, I am stuck on what to talk about, I am stuck on
how to tie it all together. So I sit here, at my desk, writing this blog post-
around my office, I have words of inspiration. In the car, I listened to music
that would surely give me a direction, I have laid awake the past nights
thinking about it.
guessed it, I am stuck!
Why do
we get stuck in our lives? Why do we all of a sudden see no direction? When
things are going just right, when everything we do just flows naturally and we
know the next steps- why do we then have absolutely no idea what we are doing
and get completely stuck?
wonder if that is the Holy Spirit telling us to look a different direction.
That maybe the way we have always done things, the lens to which we have always
looked through needs to change. Things need to be adjusted so that we can see
clearly what path we are on, what direction to go down.
is amazing how God works in our lives like that. How one minute we are trucking
along, doing everything the same way, living our lives, doing the work that we
do then...BAM out of nowhere here comes God to turn things upside down, to
point you in a different direction, to force you to look outside of YOURSELF
and to look through a different lens. Perhaps it is a lens that leads to a new
outlook on the world, perhaps it will be a lens that helps to define what your
life is really about and what your purpose is or perhaps it is simply a lens
that just need a little bit of adjusting, a little fine tuning to get you back
to where you are supposed to be.
it is that is going on with me, whatever "rut" I am stuck in, I just
hope I can open my eyes to what God is saying to me, to open my heart and mind
to the word of the Gospel and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me to what
needs to be said this week.
not, I hope everyone that attends church enjoys watching live streams of other
Pastors because maybe they will know what to say this weekend :-)
your weekend, apparently this bitter cold is going to turn warm! And always
know that even when you are stuck, even when you feel as though you can't move
forward, God is right with you telling you that you are enough, you are worthy
and you are beloved.
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